Please inform us if you change your name, address or telephone number. At times we require to contact patients urgently to cancel appointments, for medication queries or urgent test results etc.
Please note, if you are changing your name we need to see proof, therefore you would need to come in to the surgery and bring marriage certificate, deed pole confirmation etc. Please also note if you wish to opt in to our text message service you will need to complete a consent form. More information and the link to the form can be found in the “Text Messaging Service” section.
We hold computerised records for all patients in the practice. These are strictly confidential. We are registered under and are fully compliant with the Data Protection Act.
Please fill in the form below to update your contact details
Please note, if you are changing your address and are currently awaiting an appointment from the hospital, you must contact the hospital to inform them of your new address. This is the patients responsibility.